

The bet365中文大学 职业中心 (AU 职业中心) ad在这里s to the NACE Principles for Professional Practice for Career Services and 就业 Professionals and expects employers to do the same. 这些原则可以在美国大学和雇主协会的网站上找到.

预计雇主将保持积极的态度, 与非盟就业中心的工作人员建立合作关系. 这包括与非盟就业中心的政策和程序合作, 在规定的期限内完成校内面试,确保面试顺利进行, 提供所要求的职位/公司信息和数据, 根据要求提供租赁数据, 遵守招聘人员的法律义务, 并按照《bet365中文》(FERPA)的规定维护学生数据的机密性。. 违反FERPA规定的雇主将在五年内无法获得AU就业中心的服务, 如条例所述.

所有雇主代表都应在与学生的所有互动中支持澳大就业中心的政策. 当然, 非盟就业中心管理团队欢迎雇主随时就这些政策提供反馈和意见.

不能遵守这些政策的雇主可能希望使用其他招聘资源, 例如报纸广告, 商业招聘板, 或者第三方机构.


  • The AU 职业中心 reserves the right to refuse service to any employer that violates the NACE Principles for Professional Practice or any bet365中文大学 policy.
  • The AU 职业中心 reserves the right to refuse service to any employer if a review of the specific opportunity or nature/status of the company suggests that it is inappropriate for our service population; if students are injured or exposed to 不安全的工作环境; if the employer discriminates; or if the AU 职业中心 receives student complaints about discrimination, 骚扰, 威胁, 不安全的工作环境, 或者其他任何可疑的情况.
  • 没有可运行网站的雇主在网站运行之前无法获得服务. 非盟就业中心将审查雇主的网站是否合适. 雇主在开始招聘之前应该有一个EID号码.
  • The AU 职业中心 will not provide service to any employer requiring upfront payment of any kind or the purchase of products or work equipment/tools (with the possible exception of 安全ty equipment such as steel-toed boots).
  • 如果bet365中文大学的学生在工作场所遭受任何骚扰或实际或潜在的伤害, the employer’s recruiting privileges will be suspended pending a resolution of the situation that is satisfactory to the AU 职业中心.
  • 雇主 who have laid off bet365中文大学 alumni within the calendar year for reasons other than performance will not be permitted to interview additional candidates for the same job within the same year.
  • 非盟就业中心不为雇主推荐或选择候选人.
  • 作为雇主,你的账户为你提供了有限的, terminable right to access and use bet365中文大学’s 握手 account only for your internal business use to seek candidates for employment and scheduling interviews.


  • 所有招聘信息均通过 握手. 请参阅帐户设置和职位发布说明 在这里
  • 招聘信息必须是真实的, 目前的实习机会, 合作教育作业, 和/或传统, W-2或1099全职或兼职雇员.
  • Your job postings or e-mails must contain sufficient detail to convey clearly to the user the nature and basic requirements of the job opportunity.
  • The AU 职业中心 will review the employer’s website and each job description (whether a job listing or for an on-campus interview) for appropriateness. Opportunities suitable for other majors will be shared with the relevant departments on campus and the employer will be referred to the appropriate contact.
  • 合作社和实习雇主应在任何面试信息中明确说明任何住房或搬迁援助的性质, 招聘启事, bet365中文. It is not appropriate to expect a student to relocate out of state without financial assistance or assistance locating appropriate, 安全, 经济适用房. The AU 职业中心 reserves the right to insert alerts in any posted information for those employers that do not provide assistance to ensure that students are able to make informed decisions.
  • 你的招聘启事或电子邮件交流不得包含任何露骨的色情内容, 淫秽, 诽谤的, 诽谤, 威胁, 骚扰, 虐待, or hateful; or anything that is embarrassing or offensive to another person or entity.
  • You may not use your job postings or e-mail to post advertisements or solicitations for employment in the pornography industry; the gambling industry, 或者后金字塔骗局.
  • 您不得使用您的招聘启事或电子邮件发布虚假、不准确或误导性的信息.


  • 非盟就业中心不允许账户访问或将简历转发给家庭企业.
  • 非盟就业中心不会将简历发送到个人电子邮件账户.
  • 我们不会向企业“学生大使”或“学生校园招聘人员”发送简历或提供任何雇主密码.“将学生的简历提供给同学审阅和做决定是违反专业标准的.


  • 取消: 雇主 that cancel interview schedules once the student sign-up window has opened are responsible for contacting students who were invited to interview to inform them of the cancellation.
  • 可用空间:在高峰时段, 非盟就业中心可能会限制特定雇主的面试室数量. 雇主 with a history of reserving more schedules than they can fill will be limited to one more room than was filled in the prior year.
  • 错过最后期限:非盟就业中心将不断努力联系错过校园招聘截止日期的雇主. 然而, 雇主是否应该不承认提醒电话或电子邮件, the AU 职业中心 reserves the right to determine whether to change the schedule from pre-select to qualified open or to cancel the interview schedule.
  • 进度问题: The AU 职业中心 will make every effort to customize interview schedules to accommodate recruiters’ needs; similarly, the AU 职业中心 will make every effort to ensure that only students who match the employer’s stated qualifications and work authorization are able to interview. 雇主 who decide to remove individuals from interview schedules are responsible for notifying those candidates and explaining why they were removed, 除非非盟就业中心允许“不匹配”的安排.
  • 安排时间: 雇主 should consider travel implications before interview schedules are finalized—or at least before student sign-up begins—to minimize conflicts on the interview date. 非盟就业中心将很乐意在雇主事先声明的情况下适应雇主的时间表偏好. 请注意,所有面试(和测试)应计划在下午5点下班前结束.m.,星期一至四及星期五中午十二时.
  • 实习生住房: Co-op and intern employers should clearly specify the nature of any housing or relocation assistance in their interview information bet365中文. The AU 职业中心 reserves the right to insert alerts in any posted information for those employers who do not provide assistance to ensure that students are able to make informed decisions.


  • The AU 职业中心 strongly discourages employers from requesting that students provide official transcripts at the initial interview. The fee for processing official transcript requests can present a financial burden to students who actively participate in interviewing. 雇主 that simply want to see courses completed can do so by requesting an “unofficial” transcript (degree audit or “advising report”), 哪些学生可以从大学注册主任的帐户免费下载.
  • 非盟就业中心将核实已签署同意书的注册学生的学术地位和工作授权. 我们无法核实这些信息,因为雇主可能会在校园的其他地方见面.


  • 不应使用照片或视频作为选择过程的一部分. Exceptions will be made for use of video conference facilities on campus for those employers unable to conduct on-campus interviews.
  • 在招聘过程中不应该使用社会安全号码.


非盟就业中心不发布(或提供简历推荐)无薪实习或就业. 唯一的例外是真正的慈善组织寻找明确标记的兼职志愿者和和平队.


The bet365中文大学 职业中心 is committed to equal employment opportunity for all persons and provides services to our students and employers on a nondiscriminatory basis. 我们希望所有雇主都遵守美国法律.S. 以及密歇根就业法,我们建议在所有职位描述中附上一份平等就业机会声明.